Now just talk about different concept of configuration -
also called passive service discovery
- Build and Run Spring cloud Eureka Server
- Build and Run and Configure a Eureka Client
Service Discovery
➤Microservices architecture results in large number of inter-service calls
➥this is challenging to configure
➤ How can one application easily find all of the other runtime dependencies
-manual configuration - not good
➤Service discovery provides a single 'lookup service'
clients register themselves,discover other registrants
- what could be possible solutions?
- Eureka,Consul,Zookeeper,SmartStack etc
Eureka -Service Discovery Server and client
➤Eureka provides a look up server
➥generally made highly available by multiple copies
➥copies replicate state of registered server
➤"Client" services register with Eureka
➥ provides metadata on host,port,health indicator ,URL ,etc.
➤Client services send heartbeat to Eureka
➥ Eureka removes services without any heartbeat
Creating Eureka Server
➤Multiple Eureka server should be running simultaneously
➥otherwise you will get many warnings in the log
there are share states and eureka server communicate with each other to share state
➥provides highly availability
➤ Each server should know url of each others
- can be provided by config server
- One server(JAR),multiple profiles
Shared states
Eureka Server ⟷ Eureka server ⟷ Eureka server
🔻 🔻 🔻
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Create a Spring Cloud Eureka Server and Client
➤ Create a new Spring Boot application.
➤ from spring cloud discovery select eureka server
below is the genrated pom for the same.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<relativePath/> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->
<description>spring config server</description>
➤Save an application.yml (or properties) file in the root of your classpath (src/main/resources recommended). Add the following key / values (use correct YAML formatting):
# This default profile is used when running a single instance completely standalone:
profiles: default
port: 8010
➤Save a bootstrap.yml file in the root of your classpath. Add the following key / values (use correct YAML formatting):
# This default profile is used when running a single instance completely standalone:
profiles: default
port: 8010
➤Save a bootstrap.yml file in the root of your classpath. Add the following key / values (use correct YAML formatting):
name: lab-eureka-server
➤Add @EnableEurekaServer to the Application class. Save. Start the server. Temporarily ignore the warnings about running a single instance (i.e. connection refused, unable to refresh cache, backup registry not implemented, etc.). Open a browser to http://localhost:8010 to see the server running.
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