Saturday, 24 August 2019

React Fundamentals

What is React-

focused on providing -

rendering and event handling functionality - rendering is conversion of data that describes the user interface into document object model object.that the browser can use to produce the user interface.that the user can see and interact with.this is similar to view engines like handlebar .
event handling  lets the programmer to interact with user interface as per the program and specify how the program should respond.

React is created and maintained by Facebook

React is architect-ed mainly for
  •   functional programming
  •   one way data flow: it simplify programming and user interfaces
  •   virtual Dom: java script object model
  •    relies on javascript
Declarative: React application is set of components of which decoratively defined and mapping to some states and desired user interface. interface is only change by changing the states.

Composable components : React components are simple interface defined input as properties and output as call backs .by implementing component react component can freely nest with each other.

What are the advantage and disadvantage of React application?

Advantages                                                                                               Disadvantages

Conceptual simplicity: a React application is a tree                               Limited in scope
of react components. react component is a function
that is having model object of basic user interface.

speed- react is optimise for simplicity                                                     Productivity

Simple model for server-side rendering                                                   Complex tooling

input to the components are properties refers to props and states.
difference between two is state can change .

props refers model.
once document object model render it generate events it back into component state and trigger another render cycle.
react maintain its document abstractions component Render function update this fake DOM(virtual dom) which is extremely fast.once that happen it is job of the react founder to compare this dom to count state of real dom and update the real dom in most efficient possible way.

what are the Differences between angular js and React js?

Reactjs                                                                                      Angularjs

Render UI and handle events                                               A complete UI framework

User java script for view logic                                            Custom "Template Expression" syntax

javascript                                                                               TypeScript                                       

What is component?

Component are the fundamental unit of react application.each component corresponds to the elements in the DOM.
component is responsible for rendering the content of the elements and handling any events .
components can be nested inside other components.
nested components correspondes to nested dom nodes.

Defining Components
Rendering Components
Component life cycle

Defining a Component

this is how we define simple react component. value retrun from function is actually jsx a special markup languate which react compiles to java script. this is one of the key syntext 

function Hello(props){
return <h1>Hello at {}</h1>; 

Functional components are just JavaScript functions. They take in an optional input which, as I've mentioned earlier, is what we call props.
Stateful vs Stateless Components Functional Components
Rendering a component-

import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import React from 'react’;
function Hello(props) {
return <h1>Hello at {}</h1>;
ReactDOM.render(<Hello now={new Date().toISOString()} />,

jsx is markup language that looks like html but can be specify inside javascript code.we can use render function to use react dom module to render a react component in to dom element.

1st arugument is jsx expression , 2nd argument is dom element the react component will be inserted in this dom element.


ReactDOM.render(<div id=“mydiv”></div>,

                          props = { a: 4, b: 2 }

function Sum(props) {
return (
<h1>{props.a} + {props.b} = {props.a + props.b}</h1>
ReactDOM.render(<Sum a={4} b={2} />,

“All React components must act like pure functions with respect to their props.”

Class Components

class Sum extends React.Component {
render() {
return <h1>
{props.a} + {props.b} = {props.a + props.b}
ReactDOM.render(<Sum a={4} b={2} />,

The primary reason to choose class components over functional components is that they can have state.

Class components should always call the base constructor with props.

There are two ways that you can create a class component. 

The traditional way is to use React.createClass()

ES6 introduced a syntax that allows you to write classes that extend React.Component

Class components can exist without state too.
class Hello extends React.Component {
    constructor(props) {
    render() {
                Hello {props}

We define a constructor method that accepts props as input. Inside the constructor, we call super() to pass down whatever is being inherited from the parent class.

First, the constructor is optional while defining a component. In the above case, the component doesn't have a state, and the constructor doesn't appear to do anything useful. this.props used inside the render() will work regardless of whether the constructor is defined or not. 

Secondly, if you're using a constructor, you need to call super(). This is not optional, and you will get the syntax error "Missing super() call in constructor" otherwise. 

Component Lifecycle


constructor -> componentWillMount ->  render ->  componentDidMount


componentWillReceiveProps    ->  shouldComponentUpdate   ->  componentWillUpdate   -> render -> componentDidUpdate 


Alternative component data container
State is local, mutable data

class ClickCounter extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {clicks: 0};
render() {
return <div onClick={() =>
{ this.setState({clicks: this.state.clicks + 1}); }}>
This div has been clicked {this.state.clicks} times.

to use state we have to use class component.we initialize component state to default.
int the class constructor we initalize component types to default.
here initialise the clicks property with zero.when we display the click count we read the value from state property {this.state.clicks} from props because clicks is internal state value not an external props value.


Previous state

{ a: 1, b: 2 } 

State change
 this.setState({ b: 3, c: 4 });

New state
{ a: 1, b: 3, c: 4 }

Properties validation:

function Sum(props) {
return <h1>{props.a} + {props.b} = {props.a + props.b}</h1>;
ReactDOM.render(<Sum a={4} b={2} />,


output=  6

function Sum(props) {
return <h1>{props.a} + {props.b} = {props.a + props.b}</h1>;
ReactDOM.render(<Sum a={“key”} b={“board”} />,


 key+board= keyboard

function Sum(props) {
return <h1>{props.a} + {props.b} = {props.a + props.b}</h1>;
ReactDOM.render(<Sum a={“a”} b={2} />,



how to constraints a and b to be numbers?

react component can validate proptype , this is run time validation

import PropTypes from 'prop-types’;
function Sum(props) {
return <h1>{props.a} + {props.b} = {props.a + props.b}</h1>;
Sum.propTypes = {
a: PropTypes.number.isRequired,
b: PropTypes.number.isRequired,
ReactDOM.render(<Sum a={“a”} b={2} />,

TypeScript and Flow

Argument of type '{ a: string; b: number; }' is not assignable to parameter of type 'SumProps'. Types of property 'a' are incompatible. Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'number'.

interface SumProps {
a: number;
b: number;
function Sum(props: SumProps) {
return <h1>{props.a} + {props.b} = {props.a + props.b}</h1>;
ReactDOM.render(<Sum a={“a”} b={2} />,


What is JSX?

Supports xml-like syntax in JavaScript Each element is transformed into a JavaScript function call


<Sum a={4} b={3} />


{a:4, b:3},



<Sum a={4} b={3} />


java Script

{a:4, b:3},


Spread Attributes

const props = {a: 4, b: 2};
const element = <Sum {...props} />;


function Clicker({ handleClick }) {
return <button onClick={(e)=>{handleClick('A');}}>A</button>
const el = <Clicker handleClick={(l) => {log(l);}} />;


Foo Bar


style="backgroundcolor: yellow"
Foo Bar

JSX elements can be nested

<First />
<Second />


How many ways we can create react component?

we can create react component by 4 ways-

  1. create class
  2. ES class
  3. function
  4. Arrow function
Reduc,action stores and Reducers 
Redux ,action stores and reducers

Connecting React to Redux:
React components are mainly of two types



React-redux is separate library .

Provider- attaches app to store
wrapping your app in provider makes the Redux store accessible to every component in your app.
<provider store={}
Connect-creates container components.
wrap our components so its connected to redux store.

export default  connect(mapStateToProps,mapDispatchToProps)(AuthorPage)

mapStateToProps-> what state do you want to pass to components
mapDispatchToProps--> what action do you want to pass to your component


  1. no manual unsubscribe
  2. Declare what subset of state you want
  3. Enhance performence for free

React-Redux Component-

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